6 de maio de 2009

O meu ano de 2009 promete. Saturno anda a fazer das dele. Nos últimos dias ando com a previsão astrológica do Cainer para todo o lado. De manhã, à tarde, à noite, leio-a como se fosse uma oração e as minhas esperanças renovaram-se. E ele escreve a certa altura: "Soon, you won't have to keep going round in the same old circles, feeling obliged to accept the same old things. Physically, emotionally - even in terms of your health and well-being, you are now in a position to make choices that bring results and actually do benefit you. Whilst it will take a while to put some of these processes in motion, there is no doubt that you will enjoy successes this year that stand you in good stead for the whole of the rest of your life."

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